Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Day 11 & 12 - Travel to Agra and New Years Eve - Agra

We traveled from Jaipur to Agra by car. Sanjay was waving at the gate as we left.  It took about 5-6 hours which was better than expected. It was a smooth run with good roads. We even got up to a speed of 80 km//h at one stage!!!  Nearing Agra we were surrounded by fields of Mustard Plants . . . just endless kilometres of crops . . quite a sight!
About half way through the trip, in the middle of nowhere, we passed thousands of Hindus/ Sadhus walking on the side of the road . . heading somewhere or from something .  Many were in vibrant orange robes and turbans and many had long white beards.  The driver in broken English explained they were holy men going to temple.  There was a Krishna temple nearby . . it looked like a pilgrimage and was quite a sight! Sorry, no pics . . 

When we arrived we headed out to get a feel of the area. It was quite good as it was not too busy and we had some space around us. We headed to one of the Bazaars and did a spot of shopping. Wendy did alright and lashed out on a few things . . Jase did alright also and picked up a few bargains!
We can see the top of the Taj Mahal from the hotel room but it is still very foggy here so visibility is quite low.

On arrival we were informed that there is a ‘mandatory’ New Years Eve party for all guests . . .at $100 US per person! And guess what, all the drinks are free except for beer and wine!!! That caused a bit of a stir with many people which is understandable! We saw one guy absolutely lose it when they wanted to charge him for a ‘Diet Coke’ to go with his Black Label Scotch as ‘Diet Coke’ was not free but normal Coke was . . and Coca-Cola was one of the sponsors for the evening!! Some things we’ll never understand . . .

The night was great . . . the people at our table were not bad . . albeit boring. Half of the crowd had  ‘retired’ by midnight which was strange  . . . But in some ways you could understand as the entertainment was quite loud and varied in quality. We met a nice Swedish family in the bar area and all had a good laugh about our various experiences and perceptions. it was nice to laugh with people who were as confused by it all as we were. 
Some pics below of the venue before the festivities started and as the night progressed . .. . even the hotel staff got right into it . . .they were dancing on tables also as can be seen in one pic!!

Everybody had fun . . . Happy New Year!!!